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July 18, 2024
Lunch With An Old Friend from Quilting My Way

Patrick went golfing and I got up as he was leaving. I called Ron to walk early because of the weather. We got a good 6 laps in this morning. 

Next thing I needed to do was get laundry in and go out to pick berries. 

Bush was full today. 

And I spend a good hour and 15 mins picking! I didn't get them all because I needed to get ready to meet up with Kim for lunch. I did get 6 1/2 cups of blueberries today though. Took some to Phil. 

Then I was off to see ...

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June 26, 2024
Beautiful Day Today! from Quilting My Way

Today was a good day for enjoying the beautiful weather. 

This is the road Ron and I walk on. It's really pretty today. I loved the sky blue going from light to dark. There is houses there, but the trees cover them. 

 This is the view from the side of our house. It's really pretty to see the sky so clear and the trees against the background. That's part of WA State for you! That's why I love it here. 

We walked 5 laps. Then I came in because it was warm today. This is our ...

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June 24, 2024
Still Pain, But I Did Finish The Top from Quilting My Way

This morning I was up before Patrick. Then I went walking with Ron. 

 This is where we turn around and walk back. It was so pretty to see the blue sky and clouds. I should have gotten closer for the photo, but I just love how the clouds and sky work together. 

Came back in the house and figured it was time for me to go down and get a few things done. I needed to get the quilt top done and off. 

I trimmed the sides, because it was way too wide. But now it will work. Patrick liked ...

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June 16, 2024
Enjoyed A Movie from Quilting My Way

This morning, I was up a little early to play my war game. I needed to be available for attacks. Funny though, we lost. 

Then I got ready for the movie. We decided to go to 'Inside Out 2' and I liked it. It was a little bit of being on your seat waiting to see what will happen. 

After the movie, we stopped at Phil's to get his gift to Patrick for Father's Day. He made cookies for him. Patrick didn't want much and he likes Phil's desserts, so cookies were perfect. 

Came home and ...

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May 27, 2024
Day Before Memorial Day - Quilt Top Done from Quilting My Way

This morning. I enjoyed being able to sleep in. When I did get up, I made some blueberry muffins for breakfast. I really love the recipe I have. They turned out great. 

Walked with Ron. We got a good 5 laps in; I couldn't do any more. Then he wanted to show me his flowers. I fell in love with the climbing flower. I'm not sure what it is, but it's big and pretty. 

He bought some roses for the yard as well. He's going to put them in the back. They were really pretty, but ...

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July 5, 2023
Not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching from Quilting My Way

Happy 4th of July! I love all the patriotic stuff! 

But our day was pretty much to ourselves. We headed over to moms around 3 pm and played games with Nancy and mom. Patrick worked outside today before we headed over there. 

My day was spent working on QOV stuff. Both Val and Debbie came over to drop off and pick up QOV stuff. Debbie brought me 2 quilts that need the binding stitched on. I will stitch those down. I know mom and Nancy will be awhile before they stitch the 5 quilts they have that needs binding. Connie ...

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June 5, 2023
Enjoying The Day Inside And Out from Quilting My Way

Patrick was off to golfing today. Not sure if he will go tomorrow since his partner doesn't want to wait till 8:30 or 9 to golf. He wants to get started at 8 am. Patrick can't figure out why he couldn't wait a half hour. Oh, well. 

I spend the morning getting laundry going, fixing a certificate, cutting backing for Connie, and then washing the fabric. While I got all that done, I baked a cake - "Lazy Daisy Cake." It's one of Patrick's moms recipe. 

About that time Patrick came home. I was starting ...

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May 27, 2023
Quilt Meeting At Moms from Quilting My Way

 This morning I had a few things to do before going to moms. I had to stop at the bank and then Connie's. Dropped off my quilt top but realized the backing was still in the dryer! So, I'll have to drop it off on Monday. Mom called me at 10 am to see if I was coming. Told her I was on the bridge and would be there in 5 mins. 

I arrived to only 2 people already there. There was one quilt done that I put in the back of the car. Then Hildi arrived when ...

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May 21, 2023
Yet Another Saturday..... from Quilting My Way

This morning I realized I forgot to give the church the threads they asked for. Wasn't sure if we would be going out or not. So, I just picked up a few things and played games. Then Patrick said he wanted his Rice Krispies treats. Which meant I needed to go into town after all. 

I stopped and visited with Lisa when I dropped off the threads. Then off to Safeway for the stuff to make his Rice Krispies. Picked up some fried chicken. Stopped at Phil's to pick up his plants. Patrick had him start plants for ...

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May 9, 2023
No Meeting Today from Quilting My Way

We didn't have our BE meeting today. So I was able to sleep in for a little bit. I was enjoying sleeping in. 

When I did get moving. I worked on my beading. 

 I found that I didn't like the way it was laying down. I realized I did one more row than I should have where they are connected. So, it didn't lay right. I decided to take it out. First I took it out to the point where it didn't lay right. Then I tried putting the strips back on. That didn't work ...

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May 3, 2023
Back To Best Laid Plans from Quilting My Way

Okay, give me credit - I haven't tried to plan anything in a long time.....till today.....and we all know how that works for me. 

Patrick was golfing this morning. I had to get some cleaning done before I wanted to sit down and cross stitch. I vacuumed and did the dishwasher when Patrick came home. He wanted to go get some flower pots today for our deck. 

We picked up 4 and got a different pot for mom. That's for Mother's Day. 

They look great on the deck!

Then I gave some TLC to Sophie. Before ...

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February 15, 2023
What A Tuesday! Enjoyable! from Quilting My Way

First off - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Today was a good day. We woke to snow. 

 I was shocked. But then again, they did say it was a possibility. 

The funny part is that Centralia didn't get any snow. Just us south of Chehalis. 

Patrick was given some chocolate covered strawberries yesterday. He was enjoying them. He also shared. They were good. But I don't thing they will be that great tomorrow. lol It was 4 large strawberries. 

I worked on the jigsaw puzzle. Yep, no photo. Just realized that. I'm getting there, but the building are a little ...

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October 20, 2022
A Day Of Doing NOTHING! from Quilting My Way

 Today was a day of doing Nothing! I really didn't do a thing. Except maybe laundry. Other than that, nothing. I played my games, had tea, and just tried to get my FB page to work right. Still haven't done that. 

So, I'm sorry to say, today was not a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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October 18, 2022
A Day Of Embroidery from Quilting My Way

 The day started out with me stopping at McD's for tea and coffee. Then on the way to the grange. I arrived to find Sandy II there. She came from Ocean Shores. We had a good chat and I showed her the piece I was working on for the guide. She helped me with what I needed to do. Trouble was, I didn't realize there wasn't instructions for the small flower. Which meant I was on my own. 

We sat and chatted for awhile before Sandy I came in. A half hour later Cindy arrived. 

I was ...

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September 30, 2022
Enjoying The Day....Sort Of from Quilting My Way

 This morning I had to get a few things done before taking time to bead. I had to get laundry going, put dishes away, and clean the bathroom. 

Patrick was golfing. Then he came back and got supper started. While he was out at the BBQ, he brought in the tomatoes from the garden. 

Once all that was done, I decided to sit and bead. 

I started to work on the sleeve. I figured it would be better to go down a few beads and start there. I got 13 rows done. It's not coming out the way I ...

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September 11, 2022
Not A Day To Stitch....Darn from Quilting My Way

Today we got up, dropped off some stuff at Phil's, then to Fuller's for donuts. We decided to have breakfast  on the way to moms. 

We were taking mom up to Olympia to get a new dishwasher. When we got there, we tried to get a break in cost, but the guy wouldn't go down. It's fine because it was on sale already. She decided on the cheapest one, because she didn't need all the bells and whistles. It's a nice one. I like the new ones where it will do special water cleaning ...

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September 8, 2022
Working On Moms Quilt from Quilting My Way

This morning I was out the door before getting breakfast. Not supposed to do that! lol I headed to Sandy's to give her sister Jeannette a Birthday card before she headed back to Canada. She was leaving shortly after I left. We had a good chat and enjoyed visiting. I would have gone over sooner but they went to Packwood over the weekend. 

My next stop was to visit with Judy Hensley. She's a QOV member at my old group - Stars and Stripes in Olympia. I love it when I can visit with her. I gave her the ...

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September 1, 2022
Went For A Drive To Mt. Rainier from Quilting My Way

 This morning we were up and ready to head out the door. We picked up chicken yesterday, so we had our cooler full of lunch stuff. Katt's potato salad was the best!

It's a 2 hour drive from our place. The cost was $30 for the car load. We all agreed it was worth the cost. We can go back for 7 days. Don't think we will, too busy. 

We stopped along the way. There are some really pretty stopping points along the way. 

A few waterfalls along the way as well. 

We hiked down a few ...

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July 7, 2022
Road Trip - Westport! from Quilting My Way

 Yesterday Patrick came up with the idea to take a road trip to the ocean. We decided to go. I was thrilled because I haven't been to the beach in ages! We left around 10 am. 

It was a good ride. We chatted about different things. Stopped and got ice cream for lunch. Yum!!

We walked up to the birds. Patrick kept walking closer to them and they got up and walked toward the water. They didn't run and fly, just walked away. It was comical!

This guy was behind me when I was taking the pictures. It ...

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July 4, 2022
Spending The Day With Friends from Quilting My Way

 This morning was cleaning up. We got the house clean and ready for our friends, Nick and Joanne. Once the house was clean, we worked on relaxing before they got here. 

They were early this time. It was nice. We played dominoes for awhile and Nick won. Then we had supper - steak, corn on the cob, fruit salad, and beans. When supper was over, we enjoyed the deck for awhile till it got just a little too cool to be out there. Came back in and played Rummicube (sp). Of course Patrick had to win that one. 

They were enjoying ...

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